
Archive for the ‘Safeway…Trader Joe’s’ Category

My conversation with Safeway(SW) and Trader Joe’s (TJ) managers.
Me to SW: Does Safeway consider Mexico local because under your local produce sections, I find a lot of products from Mexico, even in the Organic Section:
SW: That’s because we can’t bring in local products, they would cost too much for customers.
Me: So you’re using non-local products as local to deceive us?

Me to Manager at TJ: Why are all your products from Mexico?
I believe in purchasing organic local products.
TJ: IF we brought in local products, our prices will go up.
Me: Okay, so you’re making it difficult for me to shop here.
TJ: Silence

Even packaged vegetables labeled Organic are from Mexico or elsewhere. Do read labels. I don’t purchase products that give you only infor of where they were packaged…no source.

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